id: version-1 title: Connect API v1 meta: Reference for the Infinite Flight Connect API Version 1 order: 2 contributor: KaiM,nicolas #

Connect API v1 #

This documentation is for Version 1 of the Connect API. Using this API is no longer recommended due to it’s slow speed and limited features. See the Version 2 Documentation for more information.

The Connect API v1 is being sunsetted and will be removed in update 23.1. See here for further details.{.red}

Connection #

  1. To enable Infinite Flight command server, check Enable Infinite Flight Connect in Settings > General

  2. Infinite Flight will broadcast UDP packets on port 15000 containing its own IP address and Port. Example message: { "Address": "", "Port": 10111 }

  3. You must then establish a TCP connection on this given host and port

Get Airplane State #

This special command will request the airplane state from Infinite Flight. Response will be received on the same socket: { "Command": "Airplane.GetState", "Parameters": []}

Command Messages #

A command message is a object of the following form :

There are two types of command messages:

List of commands #

Joystick #

Joystick axis use the NetworkJoystick.SetAxisValue command with two parameters:

Example :

  "Command": "NetworkJoystick.SetAxisValue",
  "Parameters": [ { "Name": 0, "Value": -340 } ]

Plane Systems #

Commands to control various systems of the plane. For example, to lower flaps down:

  "Command": "Commands.FlapsDown",
  "Parameters": []
Command Description
Brakes Toggle brakes on/off
ParkingBrakes Toggle parking brakes
FlapsDown Decrement flaps
FlapsUp Increment flaps
FlapsFullDown Set flaps full
FlapsFullUp Set flaps clean
Aircraft.SetFlapState Set the flaps to a given state
Spoilers Switch between spoilers states (Off, Flight, Armed)
LandingGear Toggle landing gear
Pushback Toggle Pushback (on/off)
RollLeft Roll the aircraft left
RollRight Roll the aircraft right
PitchUp Pitch the aircraft up
PitchDown Pitch the aircraft down
ElevatorTrimUp Trim elevator up
ElevatorTrimDown Trim elevator down
ThrottleUpCommand Throttle up by 2 or 3% (alternates)
ThrottleDownCommand Throttle down by 2 or 3% (alternates)

Lights #

Following commands toggle the state of a light. For example:

  "Command": "Commands.LandingLights",
  "Parameters": []
Command Description
LandingLights Toggle landing lights
StrobeLights Toggle strobe lights
BeaconLights Toggle beacon lights
NavLights Toggle navigation lights

Camera #

Camera Commands

Following commands can be used to control cameras. For example:

  "Command": "Commands.NextCamera",
  "Parameters": []

For camera moves, see Axis commands below

Command Description
ToggleHUD Switch between HUD states (Full, Minimal, Map, Disabled)
NextCamera Switch to next camera
PrevCamera Switch to previous camera
CameraMoveLeft Pan the camera left
CameraMoveRight Pan the camera right
CameraMoveDown Pan the camera down
CameraMoveUp Pan the camera up
CameraMoveHorizontal Move the camera horizontally
CameraMoveVertical Move the camera vertically
CameraZoomIn Zoom the camera in
CameraZoomOut Zoom the camera out
SetCockpitCamera Switch to the cockpit camera

Camera Axis

Camera POV movements can be controlled via the following command:

  "Command": "NetworkJoystick.SetPOVState",
  "Parameters": [
    { "Name": "X", "Value": 0 },
    { "Name": "Y", "Value": 0 }

X and Y values can be either -1, 0 or 1: they determine if the camera will move on each axis, either negatively or positively (or stay still on the given axis with the 0 value). For example, to move the POV to the left only horizontally, use the following command :

  "Command": "NetworkJoystick.SetPOVState",
  "Parameters": [
    { "Name": "X", "Value": -1 },
    { "Name": "Y", "Value": 0 }

ATC (Live Mode Only) #

Allows you to send messages to ATC according to the options available on the ATC window. Example, call the ATC command #3 (as shown on the ATC window) :

  "Command": "Commands.ATCEntry3",
  "Parameters": []
Command Description
ShowATCWindowCommand Show / Hide the ATC window
ATCEntry1 Choose option #1 (often back)
ATCEntry2 Choose option #2
ATCEntry3 Choose option #3
ATCEntry4 Choose option #4
ATCEntry5 Choose option #5
ATCEntry6 Choose option #6
ATCEntry7 Choose option #7
ATCEntry8 Choose option #8
ATCEntry9 Choose option #9
ATCEntry10 Choose option #10

Autopilot and Flight Plan #

Commands to set the value of an Autopilot param, or to toggle its state.

Command Description
Autopilot.Toggle Toggle autopilot
Autopilot.SetState Set autopilot on/off
Autopilot.SetHeading Set autopilot Heading
Autopilot.SetAltitude Set autopilot Altitude
Autopilot.SetVS Set autopilot Vertical Speed
Autopilot.SetSpeed Set autopilot Speed
Autopilot.SetHeadingState Set autopilot Heading On/Off
Autopilot.SetAltitudeState Set autopilot Altitude On/Off
Autopilot.SetVSState Set autopilot Vertical Speed On/Off
Autopilot.SetSpeedState Set autopilot Speed On/Off
Autopilot.SetApproachModeState Set autopilot APPR On/Off
FlightPlan.AddWaypoints Add waypoints to Flight Plan
FlightPlan.Clear Clear Flight Plan
FlightPlan.ActivateLeg Activate a given leg of the Flight Plan


Set HDG to 270

  "Command": "Commands.Autopilot.SetHeading",
  "Parameters": [{ "Value": 270 }]

Enable HDG

  "Command": "Commands.Autopilot.SetHeadingState",
  "Parameters": [{ "Value": true }]

Toggle AP

  "Command": "Commands.Autopilot.Toggle",
  "Parameters": []

Simulator Commands #

Control on simulator. Example, toggle play/pause.

  "Command": "Commands.TogglePause",
  "Parameters": []
Command Description
TogglePause Toggle the pause screen
ToggleTime Sets the simulator time